Save Your Marriage: What To Do Save Your Marriage- What To Do If You Bad Habits Are Ruining Your Marriage

Sometimes, bad marriages happen to good people. Okay, that's not a fair statement - just because you're having problems, that doesn't mean that your marriage is "bad."
Any number of things can contribute to relationship difficulties - boredom, time issues, the stress of raising children, and money troubles can all contribute to marital troubles.
It's common for people to feel dissatisfied after awhile. You see this person every day, brushing their teeth, clearing their throat, dropping their dirty underwear on the floor, telling the same jokes over and over and over. It's only natural to feel that the magic is gone.

There's no mystery left, and suddenly it seems like everything you do annoys your spouse! Gritting your teeth and putting up with each other just makes you feel trapped, as if you made a terrible mistake and you're doomed to spend the rest of your life with the wrong person.
But when you got married, you vowed to stick it out for better or worse, meaning that you promised to do the work necessary to make your marriage thrive. And don't kid yourself - marriage takes a lot of work. But it's worth the effort, if you're willing to do what needs to be done.

1) Those awful things you do
It's often said that you can't change other people - you can only change yourself. And that's absolutely true.

You can certainly share with your spouse what it is about them that's driving you crazy, but they have to make the commitment to make those changes themselves. In the meantime, what about you? Are you perfect? Be honest. Aren't there a few things that you do that irritate your spouse?
Maybe you don't realize that your habits are annoying. Or maybe you're so used to hearing your spouse complain that it doesn't even register anymore! Here's a short list of annoying behaviors 'take a look and see if you're guilty of any of the following:

a) Picking your nose/scratching intimate areas in public
b) Laughing at your own jokes
c) Leaving wet towels on the floor
d) Asking your spouse if you look fat
e) Criticizing your spouse in public
f) Speaking in baby talk
g) Burping and/or passing gas.
h) Using the last of an item (toilet paper, milk, bread) and not replacing it
i) Not picking up after yourself
j) Making up stories to make yourself look better
k) Putting your feet on the furniture
l) Laughing too loudly
m) Taking too long to shower or leave the house
n) Spending too much time on the computer
o) Talking about old lovers in front of your spouse
p) Being bossy or nagging when you could be kind, instead
q) Never volunteering to do chores around the house

2) Make a change for the better
First of all, you have to understand that everyone does things that irritate their spouse. And that you can change those behaviors if you want to - saying that an old dog can't learn new tricks or "I'm just set in my ways" is a cop-out, and simply a justification so that you can keep on doing those irritating things. So knock off the excuses, admit that you need to make some improvements, and make the choice to fix what's wrong.

You have to be willing to acknowledge that your behavior is hurting your marriage. Talk to your spouse about how your irritating habits - and your refusal to change them - has made your spouse feel. Odds are good that they'll tell you that it makes them feel like to you don't care about their feelings.

So assure them that you do, indeed, care, and get your spouse to help you brainstorm ways to change your annoying behaviors. In many cases, you can find a middle ground where the two of can compromise - for example, I found that my partner hated it when I left dirty laundry on the floor, but didn't mind so much that I always forgot to replace the toilet paper roll. So I negotiated a sort of amnesty where the toilet paper was concerned while promising to put my dirty clothes in the hamper. Remember, marriage is about compromise!

Let your mate know that you need positive reinforcement for making changes. An occasional "I'm proud of you" or "thanks for doing that" will go a long way towards encouraging you to keep up with the new behavior. Many people also find that replacing a bad habit with a good one is easier than just stopping cold turkey, so try and find something pleasant to replace the old behavior.

And don't be so hard on yourself if you slip up occasionally. We're all flawed, and we all make mistakes. If your marriage is suffering because of your bad habits, just the fact that you're willing to admit your flaws and work to fix them will make a huge difference - because it shows how much you care!

7 Incredible Ways To Reconnect With Your Husband/Boyfriend

There are times in every relationship when other commitments take priority over your husband or your boyfriend, but these times can hurt a relationship. When you start to notice that you haven’t been as close as you once were, you will want to start taking steps that will reconnect you with your partner and re-establish the strong relationship that you once had.

Realize that the mess can wait

Some women believe that they are being constantly judged by how their house or their living space looks. However, this is far from the case. Instead of making cleaning the majority of your free time, why not allow yourself to let more things go at the end of the day to make room for your relationship? Instead of having the laundry always done and the kitchen always shining, isn’t your relationship worth the time?

Take time for yourself

Many women will feel more connected in their relationships if they take the time to make themselves look good. Something as simple as getting out of sweatpants and tee shirts at the end of the day and into nice jeans and a well-fitting top can help you feel more confident and thus, more attractive to your partner. You don’t have to look like a model, but taking care of your appearance can help you feel like one.

Create a date

At least once a week, you and your partner need to get out of the house and on a date. Too often, long relationships think that they are ‘past’ that, so they settle into a dull life of staying at home. When you were first dating, you went to the movies and out to eat – why not try to do that more now? Sure, you won’t be able to do it every week, but if you try, you will both have something to look forward to.

Stop your thinking

Many times, a woman can become frustrated by everything that she is handling, especially when she’s a mom as well as a career woman. When this happens, you might feel as though you could scream at your partner for not being helpful enough, romantic enough, etc. But is this really going to reconnect your relationship? It can help to stop your thinking for a few seconds before you share these kinds of feelings. You might find that you’re actually feeling something else that’s not directed at him.

Put the spotlight on him

When you take the time to do something special for someone else, you will reap the benefits of feeling closer to them as well. Something as simple as packing a lunch or writing a love note in their wallet can be a great way to help your partner know that you care. Everyone likes to feel special.

When you can’t get away

It’s time to be creative if you’re unable to get away from the house. Maybe you can create date night at home, or work together on some goals that you’ve wanted to accomplish. Play board games – do whatever you both like to do together. If you have a home remodeling project, don’t leave it just for him, do it together to get more couple time.

Getting out of town

One of the best ways to reconnect as a couple is to head out of the house for a few days. There are numerous bed and breakfasts that you can visit for only a small expense. You don’t even have to leave the room if you don’t want to, but the time away from your normal distractions can help you get back in tune with what your relationship needs.

7 Ways to Stop Your Marriage Breakups

It’s hard for newly weds or even those who have been married for a long time to recover from a serious mishap. There are sometimes when people will fault and then there are times when people split up because of no faults of their own. In cases where there is someone to blame, the relationship has a better chance of recovering. However, if you know how to stop your marriage from breaking up, then you will be able to recover from anything.

The first thing that you have to do to stop your marriage from breaking up is by saying I’m sorry. There are a lot of relationships that end because neither one could say I’m sorry. If you learn to accept responsibility for the things that you do and show your mate that you are serious about the relationship then you will be able to save your marriage. Those two words can meet a lot when it comes to the end of your relationship. Also, you need to know how to change your actions. When you apologize for something that you have done wrong, you have to change your actions. You can’t say that you are sorry and then do something again. By apologizing, you are able to right a wrong, however, your words will mean nothing if you don’t show the person some action.

Then you may also need to take some time away from each other. Every relationship needs to have a grace period. This is when you need to pull away from each other and then try to patch up the holes in the relationship. The way that you can do that is by moving apart a step or two and then going back to when you were wooing her. Take her back to where you meet or where you had your first date. Spend some time focusing on the relationship. Bring back what was lost. When you step back from the situation you are able to see where the relationship fell apart and why. Then you should be able to right some of the wrongs.

When she brings up seeing a professional, you should always do it with an open mind. When you stay open to new suggestions you will be more honest with yourself and about the relationship. Professionals are not always a bad thing for your marriage, but they can help both of you focus on where the marriage fell apart and then fix everything. Sometimes it can also make you realize things about yourself that you never even thought about.

You will also want to stop doing things on purpose to start a fight or provoke her. You don’t want to chew on your nails cause it bothers her. You don’t want to leave the seat up just to see what she’ll say. It’s time that you start acting your age and by doing things to deliberate separate your wife from you won’t save your marriage, but condemn it even more.

You will also want to take her in mind more than yourself. When it comes to fixing a marriage, you have to do things just because. You have to buy her flowers because you wanted to. You have to fix things around the house just to make her happy. You have to think about all those thoughtful things that you use to do to make her fall in love with you. When you can begin to think like the person that you once where you will be able to find the love again.

Another thing is that when you are in a long relationship you take a lot of things for granted. You need to give more compliments. You need to be more sensitive to their needs as well as your own. You need to have a solid communication line so that you two can talk all your issues out like adults. Talking will make you both feel better and allow those little things to not grow into something big. You can contain the problem before it gives any bigger. Also, it is normal for a person to change, however, if you keep showing the love for someone, you can grow together.

The final tip that you will want to try is to recover the romance. You need to do things for her that she’d never expect. You have to show how much you love her by doing things that she’s always wanted you to do, but you were never quite open to it. You need to be open to the new and exciting things that she wants to incorporate in the relationship. You never know, you may find some new interests, as well as, save your marriage.

How To Fix A Troubled Marriage!

Sometimes you can fix a troubled marriage and sometimes you are past no return. Before you allow your marriage to get past the point of new return, you need to reevaluate your marriage as well as your feelings. How troubled is your marriage? Do you feel like your marriage is just rocky or is it falling into the gutter? Even if your marriage is still just rocky, you need to take the time to help your troubled marriage. Those who are in a rocky marriage you will want to put a just a little bit more into the marriage.

First, you need to do things around the house that you would normally need to be asked to do. Make the bed, do the laundry, help out a little bit. In a rocky marriage, only stress is your issue. You need to make sure that you help your mate during the rough times and be more emotionally and physically supportive. You need to make her feel like she is needed, but not a slave. You also need to do things that make her feel attractive as well. You need to put forth some effort to make her feel wanted and beautiful. If you put more energy into your marriage, it won’t be rocky for long. If you fear that you have put off the marriage for awhile then you are probably in a failing marriage.

The reason why you are in a failing marriage is when things got rough you ignored the signs. You can’t ignore the signs of trouble in a marriage or you could end up in a very troubled spot. It can be difficult to fix a failing marriage. There will be resistance. You not only need to put more energy forth into the marriage, but you may need to take a step back from the relationship for you both to breath. When it comes to saving a marriage, you need to put some space between the two partners.

This doesn’t mean you have to move out, however, you need to back off with the romance and try to open up with each other. Talking can help resolve a lot of issues in a marriage; however, you have to talk openly to them. You have to learn how to listen and to send positive and clear messages.

Even though it can be hard to back off with wanting to be intimate, you will find that it will pay off in the end. You will be able to get to the wild bedroom behavior once you have been able to reconnect to your wife. Once you have reconnected to her, she’ll be more likely to want to be with you and more open to your intimate ideas and feelings. When you have a basis of trust and deep admiration you will find that the intimacy will be better than ever.

The key to saving a marriage is to get to the point where you both were happy. You need to make sure that you talk about the things that you are concerned with and the things that they are concerned with. You will want to make sure that you are open to your partner so that you can get to the core of your troubles. Once you have opened up to the communication channels, you can then open up about things like your sex. It’s all one-step at a time. Once you have a basis of understanding then you are able to build on that.

Once you have talked things through and have allowed a basis for a marriage, you can then start adding of your other concerns. Things like talking to your partner about the lack of excitement, the lack of pleasure, or even the lack of feeling wanted yourself. There are many men who think that their mate does not feel attracted to them, but there are a lot of women with the same insecurities.

As you grow and further your commitment to each other, you also need to keep the communication open so that you two can grow together. Once you have fixed your marriage, you constantly have to keep up with the marriage. You need to always be putting in effort to the relationship. You need to always be trying to keep interest in each other and keep the excitement in the relationship. When serious problems arise, you have to think about all the things that your mate must be feeling and allow her to have her feelings, but take a genuine step towards making that concern strength to your marriage. Remember, men and women see and think in a different light and if you are able to see the problem in both of our eyes, then your marriage will be saved.